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Interview with Meta-Stasis | Listen to their new album ‘The Paradox Of Metanoia’

Sep 9 • All Updates, International News, Interviews, Releases • 5934 Views • No Comments on Interview with Meta-Stasis | Listen to their new album ‘The Paradox Of Metanoia’

  1. Why did you guys decide to form Meta-Stasis while you were still playing for Sikth and Ted Maul?

Meta-stasis was formed because we wanted to deliver the heaviest band in the world. A new breed of madness and originality was festering our minds and we had to release the infection one way or the other.

  1. Meta-Stasis was supposed to be a side project as far as I can recall, why did you decide to transform it into a full-time asylum?

Meta-stasis was transformed into a full-time asylum because of high demand by the fans, which led us to turning the monster into a full-time killing machine. Meta-stasis had a life of its own which could not be controlled which had to be unleashed into the underground scene.

  1. Meta-Stasis is unlike any other extreme death metal band as you guys have a Techno thing going on in your music from the very start. What is the reason behind this weirdly groovy addition?

The addition of electric sounds stem both from Ted Maul’s want to capture the darkest side of dance music and members Meta Stasismerge it with metal. Solomon Lucifer J Christ and the other patients in the band have always been into these underground cultures and Anon used to be a drum and bass DJ so it seemed like the natural progression for us. The Paradox Of Metanoia is merely dipping our toes into this cross genre idea, we have so much more to explore.

  1. How different is The Paradox of Metanoia from When The Mind Departs The Flesh?

When The Mind Departs The Flesh is the most sick brutal tech death metal we could write while The Paradox Of Metanoia still tries to hold on to some of these attributes, however the emergence of dance music elements, a slight change in some of the musicians in the band and therefore different ideas in the melting pot led to this highly diverse sound which is now the back bone of our style.

The first album is the killing spree, the second album is the psycho analysis.

  1. What are the things that influence you (including the bands of course)?

The metal movements that got us into music were the nu-metal scene, classic rock and thrash metal. We later moved into the heavier side with death metal etc. The bands we all share our love for are Decapitated, Gojira, Meshuggah, Dying Fetus and Devin Townsend/strapping young lad. But this is forever changing, bands like Soreption are really flying the flag for dirty grooves in death metal, if you haven’t heard them – check them out.

As far as other music Tech Itch, Ed Rush and Optical, Dave Clarke, Aphex twin and The Prodigy. We all love anything heavy and heavy can be subject matter, sounds or song structures. Real music that says something gets our juices pumping.

Outside of music I guess just what we see around us in the world, relationships, politics, getting into the psyche of a serial killer and reading weird shit on the online. Watching documentaries and interviews of serial killers can really make you think and write just heavy brutal music.

Meta-stasis’s style purely came from hate eternal, Slipknot, Gojira, FX twins, Morbid Angel, Korn, Strapping young lad. We love those guys.meta-stasis album

  1. How was your experience working with Scott Atkins at Grindstone Studios?

Recording with Scott Atkins was as brutal as a sack of sea urchins. Scott pushed the band to the next level and searched for all those magical takes in all of us. I must say the vocal performance was the most brutal I had ever delivered in my whole musical career. It was mentally and physically intense, to the point where it got so real that I was throwing chairs across the vocal booth and head butting the walls to recreate mental anxiety anger moments. As a band we learnt an awful lot from this recording and we can’t wait to record the third album in 2016/17.

  1. What kind of lyrical content are we looking at in your latest work of art, The Paradox of Metanoia? Is there any underlying story listeners should be aware of?

The lyrics are an extension of our personal views on life whether paranoia, the feeling of being sane and ok when in fact things can be quite the opposite. Mental health problems in this highly volatile society driven by greed, religion, and its madness and the fact that we seem to be making more mistakes now as mankind than ever before, all driven by the banks, commercialism, debt and a world that has lost its way and the consequences it has up on us. Few people feel at peace now. The worse it gets the darker our music becomes. We capture the essence of our times.

  1. So, what was the recording process like for the latest album? How do you come up with the riffs, beats and lyrics?

For us, the writing process has always been influenced by dramatic events in our lives, whether its violent events, severe backstabs or coping through mental illness. These things effect all of us at one point or another and can affect us greatly. These inspire a riff or a dark melody and then it all develops from there. Recording with Scott Atkins did change things. How we played the parts altered here and there and it just gelled better, resulting in better takes, but the music style remained the same. Scott did drop in his ideas and guided our ideas, as any great producer would. He is all for the song as we are. Making parts shorter, neater, and more direct along with making us sound unbelievably huge. We love Captain Scotty!!!!


  1. So how’s Steve err… I mean Anon?

 Steve? We will get back to you on that one!

  1. So what nefarious activities are you guys busy with (something which humans refer to as day jobs) when you’re not part of the asylum?

We work in mental health hospitals, multi challenging severe behaviour support units, fridges, farms and the drainage system.

  1. So what are your touring plans this year?

 At the moment we are getting fantastic offers here and there for tours, but it’s all about the logistics at the moment. We shall be visiting South Asia early next years. As for now we’ve got some shows with Psycroptic and Mammothfest coming up soon. We are also talking to new booking agents off the back of our recent album/press/tour success so things are looking positive.

  1. For people who haven’t watched Meta-Stasis live, what is it like, witnessing a psycho-tech death metal band perform?

Intense. Emotional. Heavy as hell and a little fucked up. You’ll bang your head.

  1. If the band was a crazy psychotic killer (anyone from fiction or real life) who would it be?

Ed Gein mixed with Ted Bundy. We’d charm you over to our studio and turn you into furniture. Are you free?

  1. Last but not the least, would you guys like to play in India?

We would love to spend some time enjoying some Indian culture and then rocking out with you guys. Let’s make it happen.


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