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Friday flashback: ‘Mark Tremonti – Cauterize’ Review

Jul 31 • International News, Reviews • 7359 Views • No Comments on Friday flashback: ‘Mark Tremonti – Cauterize’ Review

Grammy award winner, alongside Creed and Alterbridge, Mark Tremonti in collaboration with Wolfgang Van Halen compose to cauterize our fret seeking needs. Incorporating rhythmic signatures mixed with heavy notes, embodied with melodious singing. Experience and composition are key factors which influence the music of the band/project; with Mark Tremonti (lead guitar and vocals), Wolfgang Van Halen (bass guitar), Garett Whitlock (drums) and Eric Friedman (backing vocals) acting as the heavy contributing quadrant, build a strong fan-following. Wolfgang is the new member replacement for Brian Marshall who provided the bass line for their first album “All I Was”.

Mark Tremonti’s exact words in a interview for the question regarding the inspirational artists, “The songs of 70’s Contemporary Rock played by my mom to the juvenile me sitting in the backseat of the car to speed metal ,thrash , slayer, black and so forth while growing up to the maturity.” Tremonti due to his heavy exposure with the expanse of music incorporates the heavy side of the metal with the 70’s soft rock melodies.



This album focused on pre production under Michael “Elvis” Baskette – The Producer who incorporated sound adopted by one of the five Sound-City-Board-like structures present in the world.

The song structures of Cauterize have basic ingredients such as groove, heavy, funk, metal, alternative with vocal line added by Mark Tremonti, backed by Eric Friedman. During the making, the band focused on tones by altering the default sound patched on each instrument. With their new singles Flying monkey and Another Heart, Cauterize started on stave instigated pigment rolling on the album reel.Cauterize with its shinning resonance among metal-heads for the diversity of genres will surely develop satisfaction among listeners and devotees. The focus on Metal tripping, concatenated with the feel, lead by soul tripping cauterizes each lick and riff played by Tremonti . The solo patch for Another Heart used with the Phrygian mode brings out the feel of the song thus displaying the abstract inception of emergence towards annihilation of the Heart that they speak of.

Song structures are very technically tabbed and provide for signatures defiantly fiddling with time.The riffs and the drums have been taken to optimistic guitar bridge notes, and off-hits on the snare yields patterns giving a broad abstract perspective to the void space in our lives called positivism.

The groove of the bassline and the off-beat drums together made the other new single Funky Monkey with a heavy intro dropping lower to D# on the sixth string. Energy quantized Quadrant project presents tremendous energy and power when live luring fans in the present crowd.Tremonti heading the band takes charge of the vocal line with perplexed riffs stressing on the high and lows for the syllables sang.Wolfgang with his Persona amidst the base ambience grooves with the slapping technique focused basically on the pulses found in the crevices of the self modulated base clef.

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Is a Traveller,Musician , Photographer. I love to write and to trek. Believes in the 'Old monk' . Power to Comics!

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