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Epica takes the stage in two days

Dec 26 • Events, Indian News, Interviews, News • 7417 Views • No Comments on Epica takes the stage in two days

Epica‘s going to hit India really soon ­and this is what they have to say about it! Epica’s about to touch ground at Mumbai in about 48 hours will take stage ,­and they have plenty to look forward to. Thousands of fans are making their way to that hallowed stage, and its guaranteed to be a memory­maker. And guess what? The Indian’s crowd’s reputation is pretty damn good. Just ask the band.” From stories we know that the crowd is wild, energetic, hot, and awesome!!!! ” ­ so they said.

Epica to play on 28th December

Epica to play on 28th December

For Mumbai specifically, they have high hope. To quote them again , “We expect nothing less than a great party with lots of interaction between epics and metal fans!“. While its rather impossible that they will get anything less than what they expect ( Hello, this is one of Asia’s largest cultural festivals we’re talking about. ), let’s just see this is a heads­up to all you fans. Give the band a night to remember.

They promise to play guaranteed hits from their older albums and well as newer creations, all of which share the characteristic individualism that underlines every miniscule aural particle of their sound. They explain the appeal of their music far better :
We make music with our heart, I don’t mind what other bands do but we make exactly the music that we love to make and I have the feeling that those who make music like this will survive in the end. Because you can only play those songs day after day if you truly like them yourself. Besides that we work hard, care for our fans and give 100% for every album.

Since they might consider doing a tour of India if all goes well this night ­ they admitted the possibility with a straightforward reply, “That would be great, we want to see how this first visit will go and take it further from there on.” ­ Indian metalheads need to be spiking their adrenaline levels, pump up on their Gatorades and other energy drinks ( Coffee, we meant coffee ) and give them what they came for.

Oh, and they had this to say to our readers :
Finally it’s gonna happen, we can’t wait to come over and rock the night with all of you!!! Keep the love coming!

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Shreya Bose

Feline acolyte at Metalbase at Metalbase India
Likes cats, Steven Wilson, the pagan god Baal, guyliner, Marquis de Sade and prefers her coffee Irish.

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