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Stream District: The Drip, Trap Them, Planet of Zeus

Apr 9 • International News, News, The Slumbering Ent • 2816 Views • No Comments on Stream District: The Drip, Trap Them, Planet of Zeus

There is no shortage of new music out there, but i plan to make an attempt to sort out most of the good ones for your exclusive listening. Not to sound like a self-righteous douchebag here, it’s just that I’d want to share the excitement i had listening to these particular tracks  with you all.


1. The Drip

Absolutely menacing and relentless. Two qualities that define grindcore and clearly runs amok in The Drip’s 3rd EP titled A Presentation of Gruesome Poetics. Their first release on a major label (Relapse Records).


2. Trap Them

Well this turned out to be a bit of a surprise. Trap Them takes a rather thrashier sound here as opposed to their usually entombedcore self. Interesting.. Salt Crypts comes off their 4th full length titled Blissfucker, released via Prosthetic Records.

3.  Planet of Zeus

Clutch-sounding southern groove from Greece. Its a great jam, one that you’d down some beer with. The track comes off their new album Vigilante released via ihaveadrum Records.


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These dreams of dread, I sprout, All souls so weak, they rout. These gnarled roots of mine, they bind, All souls of so feeble, a mind.

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