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Nails – Abandon All Life | Review

Mar 22 • International News, Releases, Reviews, The Slumbering Ent • 2061 Views • No Comments on Nails – Abandon All Life | Review

Today we have reviewer Mohammad Kabeer (from Necrofilth) doing the review of the album ‘Abandon All Life’ from the band ‘Nails’.

Nails - Abandon All Life

Nails – Abandon All Life


1. In Exodus

2. Tyrant
3. Absolute Control
4. God’s Cold Hands
5. Wide Open Wound
6. Abandon All Life
7. No Surrender
8. Pariah
9. Cry Wolf
10. Suum Cuique

When Nails released their sophomore album Unsilent Death in 2010, they made quite a name for themselves in the hardcore/power violence/grind scene.  This album found its way to many top 20  lists  of  many  reputed  music   blogs.  Some even credit the band for creating a new subgenre called Entombedcore, which  I am  not sure I agree with, however  I do  agree with one thing, that Unsilent Death was awesome and with that being said,  they  had a lot of expectations  riding on this album, which  I was confident  that they would fulfill,  and they did.


Nails is a four piece band from California. The music that they play can be  generally summed up as  Metallic  Hardcore  which has a very strong Grindcore influence , the  result of which  is  music  that is loud,chaotic, heavily distorted  and very  pissed off ,  they have strayed too far away from their  “core”  sound, however  Grind over here is  now  more   than  just an influence and is  slowly  becoming   an integral   part of their  genre, this can be seen in the fact that there are a lot more  blast beats in  this album , it’s a lot faster, and the guitar parts that accompany  the blast beats  fall distinctively  into that genre rather  then being on the borderline as was with the previous album, this is exemplified perfectly on the track  cry wolf. This tempo is maintained pretty much throughout the album save for Wide Open Wound  and   the album  closer  Suum Cuiqe which go into sludgier territories , with the former adding a certain  mystical  touch to it,  and  the title track abandon all life which   adds a twist by going all death  metal  a la  morbid angel  in the second half of the song. All of these factors don’t really create any drastic changes to their genre, but they do  add a little extra  to their already  intense, crushing ,sound  which is also  aided by the production  which  has improved a lot since Unsilent Death, not that it was bad then but it’s a lot better now,  this album sounds  much  more  massive,  much  more dense  and In short…  just  so much more fucking heavy!

So my verdict?  If you  think this  album  will change your opinion about nails. Don’t   bother, however if you loved the previous album you are going to love this one even more! As for me… I fucking love it!!   Its just got everything I love about this genre packed into seventeen face melting minutes!!  In fact, if you’ll excuse me I think I’ll go back to listening to it now. 

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Sanath Kumar

Owner, Digital Marketing Ninja at Metalbase India
Metalhead, digital geek by profession. Loves Rock N Roll and shoots concerts.

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