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Heavy Prescription: Fractal Gates, Moth, V3CTORS

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Fractal Gates Band Picture

Fractal Gates

1. Fractal Gates – Timeless (feat. Sotiris – Septic Flesh) 

Fractal Gates from France has been a recent discovery for me and it seems that they’ve been tailor made to suit my musical palette. They play a brand of melodic death metal with a solid footing in the progressive side of the genre and yet manage to be instantly catchy. Lately they’ve been working towards a new album ‘Beyond the Self’ which is to be released by the French label Great Dane Records in February. Below is their first single titled Timeless. The video doubles as a lyric video and a normal music video, and is simply great to watch and so is the quality of the music accompanying it. Sotiris, guitarist from the symphonic death metal masters ‘Septic Flesh’, play a great solo in it as well. The production is top notch as well, courtesy Dan Swano. Lyrics compliment the track greatly, especially the part when the vocalist shouts “Reason shall rise! Once you soar in its sunset”..  Go ahead and click play!


moth endlessly in motion

Moth – Endlessly In Motion

2. Moth – Dissolved

I am pretty sure there are a lot of Gojira fans out there. Fans of their music are sure to like this next offering. Moth is a band from Denver,US and they play a more sludgy and atmospheric Gojira (for that’d fit their depiction perfectly rather than attempting at coining an obscure subgenre name). Below is their first single of their latest album titled ‘Endlessly in Motion’ and also made available is the complete stream of the album.

vectors physis

Vectors Physis

3. V3CTORS – White Rhino (feat.Aleksandra Djelmash)

Since our compilation is getting delayed every single minute, we have in store for you a new track from the Spanish djent outfit curiously titled V3ECTORS from their upcoming album ‘Physis’ released via Alone Reocords.

To add more to that, the track also features lady djent Aleksandra Djelmash of ‘Destiny Potato‘ fame. The track is sheer technical brilliance complimented by the harsh and soothing vocal styles. Take special note of Aleksandra’s harsh vocal style, for it simply slays. Listen to it here!

This was posted on Metal Spree on 2013/01/23.

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Sanath Kumar

Owner, Digital Marketing Ninja at Metalbase India
Metalhead, digital geek by profession. Loves Rock N Roll and shoots concerts.

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