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Wired Anxiety on ‘The Delirium of Negation’

Jun 12 • Indian News, News • 3072 Views • No Comments on Wired Anxiety on ‘The Delirium of Negation’

The Navi Mumbai groovers, Wired Anxiety are back with what may very well be a Masterpiece. Set for a July 1st release date , “The Delirium of Negation” was recorded by Ashwin Shriyan from MindMap Studio and Mixing/Mastering was done by Arkady Navaho’ from Navaho Studio(Russia) who has worked with Katalespy. The captivating album art is from non other than Coki Greenway from Indonesia who has worked on tons of International Artists like Aborted, Suicide Silence, Archspire, All Shall Perish etc.

Right from songwriting to the production everything is a much more evolved and a defined version of our previous album. We never wanted to make an album limited to one style which is why all the songs on our album are very different from each other “ says Dheeraj , the band’s front man.

What is more exciting is the fact that this record is conceptual. “The album has a lot to do with the basic concept of the movie ‘The Matrix’ and other psychological disorders. Delirium Of Negation’ (which is known as Cotard’s Delusion) is a rare form of mental illness which pretty much gives away the whole concept of the album. The EP has 2 perspectives: First one talks about how the humans that live today were built by a scientist hired by bunch of greedy corporates and are being kept in control for their needs. Second one talks from the perspective of those humans going through this and the psychological disorders that comes with it and questioning the reality that they are in.

Unfortunately, live shows are not possible for at least 2 more years since every member of Wired Anxiety is in a different part of the globe ,thanks to higher studies. Meanwhile there is something to look forward to for the fans . VIDEOS !!

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