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Kolkata Deathfest

Jan 12 • Events, Indian News • 3429 Views • No Comments on Kolkata Deathfest

In a city that has been swamped by Modern Metal aficionados by and by, for the better half of the last few decades, a city that has its Heavy Metal foundations rooted deep into the sub-genre of Death Metal with bands like Amavasya, Atmahatya and DIOT’B, Kolkata sure seems to be building up some momentum to unleash it’s own brand of unrelenting Death Metal assault. Presenting the very first edition of Kolkata Deathfest, the first event of its kind organized keeping mind the slowly incrementing number of Death Metal acts in the city and the dedicated fan base it commands.


Kolkata Deathfest is stipulated to be held at Sujata Sadan, in Hajra which lies at mouth of the Southern fringe of the city, on the 13th of January. Initially stipulated to simply host the headliner Defiled and a host of Death Metal offshoot acts such as city based Tech Death stalwarts Evil Conscience, nascent yet hard-hitting act Divide Torture, Bestial Death Metal band Necrodeity, 4-piece Death-grind outfit Strangulate, the newly formed Old School Death/Black Metal act Banish

Re-affirming their gusto, the organizers launched two separate posters promoting the line up too! The first one would be the one featuring the headliner:




The 2nd one summarizes the list of support acts as well.




The organizers also released a teaser in support of the show.


The response to the event was so overwhelming it seems, that the organizers went out and cashed in for a 2nd international act in Malapetaka, a Death/Thrash Metal act from Malaysia. However due to certain inconvenient circumstances, Strangulate had to back out of the show and were in turn replaced by Blackened Death Metallers from Darjeeling, Imperial Cult.


Point to be noted, the event marks a big platform for several of the support acts as it serves as an album-support show of sorts. Evil Conscience have just released their debut EP “Death Is Only the Beginning” on Utah based label Slaughterhouse Records and would be playing the first show since the international release of the album a couple of weeks back. Also, Imperial Cult are on the verge of re-releasing their debut EP “Rise of Yalamber” on Salute Records from Sweden and will be distributing a limited number of copies at the event.


Interesting thing about the Kolkata Deathfest is that it has been in the making for quite some time now with Old School Metal acts Impiety and Manzer gracing the city with their debut Indian shows in the last couple of months. Regardless of the success of Kolkata Deathfest, the organizers plan to host a couple of more events in succession in the first half of the year too. However, given the buzz generated from the same, there is little reason to believe the show might not see decent footfall!


The Icing on the cake was when Japanese Death Metal elites Defiled resonated their share of anticipation by revealing their setlist for the Kolkata show on their social media account:


DEFILED Setlist for Kolkata Deathfest

01.Stench of Grudge

02.Dissolved in Dust


04.In Crisis

05.Swollen Insanity

06.Lethal Agitator



09.Crush the Enemy Rising

10.Fear and Epecureanism

11.Revelation of Doom

12.The Dormant Within




For a gist of what is going to go down, sample this:


Written by – Arkadeep Deb

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