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Demonic Resurrection release music video of the track ‘Death ,Desolation and Despair’

Oct 15 • News • 2337 Views • No Comments on Demonic Resurrection release music video of the track ‘Death ,Desolation and Despair’

Demonic Resurrection have released their music video of the track ‘Death, Desolation and Despair‘ from their album ‘The Demon King‘ that was released in July. ‘The Demon King’ being a concept album ,it’s a story of ‘The Demon King’ where each song leads from 1 chapter to the next. The music video is based on that same storyline that is narrated in ‘The Demon King’.

‘The Demon King’ was the band’s 4th full length album ,the band’s last album being‘The Return To Darkness’. ‘The Return To Darkness’ was released in 2010 on Candlelight Records worldwide and Demonstealer Records in India.The Demon King’ released in July, worldwide on Candlelight Records and on Universal Music in India.

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