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Bangalore Open Air 2014 – SHOW MUST GO ON!

Jun 19 • News • 3931 Views • No Comments on Bangalore Open Air 2014 – SHOW MUST GO ON!

Bangalore Open Air’s Crowdfunding effort has come to an end, the crowdfunding wasn’t a complete success because of the low participation.  But, Salman U Syed, Organiser of Bangalore Open Air says that the SHOW MUST GO ON and they’re working on other plans to pull the gig off.

Salman U Syed says that they’re working on getting bands on the bill but nothing is confirmed as of yet. We all metalheads hope for getting a good lineup, although one thing which is confirmed is that – our dreams of watching Steven Wilson, Napalm Death, Mayhem on a single stage won’t be happening. The Crowdfunding effort was to raise Rs.44 Lakhs but as it has reached just 10%, this unfortunate situation has occurred.

The Bangalore Open Air Team put out a message to their followers on Facebook saying :

Those who have contributed to keeping metal alive would have received a mail saying that the event has been shelved and you will be receiving the funds back.

Here’s an explanation:

All of you are aware that the BOA team has been working with Wishberry for crowdfunding, and today was the last day of the campaign. What you received was an auto generated message. The event has not been cancelled as of now and we’re working towards bringing you guys the best edition of BOA!

The bands and dates will be announced very shortly. We are awaiting for few confirmations from the artists!

Please SHARE this message!!

Keep Metal Alive - Bangalore Open Air

Keep Metal Alive – Bangalore Open Air

What is Bangalore Open Air 2014?

Bangalore Open Air (BOA) is a metal festival that takes place every year in Bangalore and is arguably one of Asia’s biggest metal festivals. Since its inception in 2012, the festival has thrilled Indian headbangers by bringing down some of the biggest metal acts on the planet like the legendary Kreator, Iced Earth, Ihsahn, Dark Tranquillity, Animals as Leaders, Suidakra and Leprous.

The festival has also featured the cream of the crop of the local metal scene like Demonic Resurrection, Dying Embrace, Kryptos, Bevar Sea and many more as well as hosting the finals of the Wacken Metal Battle – India leg. The festival aims at bringing quality international and local metal acts to India and to show the world that India is a rising metal nation with audiences as rabid as anywhere else in the world.


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Sanath Kumar

Owner, Digital Marketing Ninja at Metalbase India
Metalhead, digital geek by profession. Loves Rock N Roll and shoots concerts.

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