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Unholy Compilations: , A389 Recordings

Mar 22 • International News, Releases, The Slumbering Ent • 1916 Views • No Comments on Unholy Compilations: , A389 Recordings

To all those newly christened ‘say no to piracy’ gentry  and the ones who still rampantly hit up psychoccd, here is a brand new way to legally download and get initiated to the best of metal. Either way it is safe to say that you will be guaranteed one helluva playlist, tastes aside. With this series we try to cover up all the latest compilations released across the vast expanse of metaldom. So here we go




Lets start with a bit of history. is the virtual incarnation of the former Metal Maniacs zine that ruled the roost in its heydey. The magazine ran for a good 20 years after which the management for some reason decided to pull the plug.  After having gone through a few management swaps the Metalhit site hit the blogosphere in 2010. Since then its been churning out great articles and well its own little online digital store. And this is precisely why i’ve wanted to write this post, for with the online release of their new digital music store comes two kick ass compilations. Titled KVLT DEATH and KVLT BLACK i guess the ‘oh-so-apparent’ connotation will do the rest of the talking. Here below are the tracklist to both compilations and i bet you’d be blown away.  Also head to their store where you get albums for as less as 5 dollars and lower. Convert that and you get albums for less than 270 INR. Now thats what you call a steal. People with Paypal and credit cards head over!

Click on the player to go to their respective bandcamp page where you may download the compilation.

A389 Recordings

A389 Recordings

2. A389 Recordings

We just cannot hide our incessant love for A389 Recordings. Just check a few of our reviews and you’d see why. That said, they have just released a free compilation that will sweep you right off your feet. Probably the best way to get a sneak peek into their impressive roster.

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Sanath Kumar

Owner, Digital Marketing Ninja at Metalbase India
Metalhead, digital geek by profession. Loves Rock N Roll and shoots concerts.

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