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Krypts – Unending Degradation | Review

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Krypts - Unending Degradation

Krypts – Unending Degradation

1. Introeon: Perpetual Beyond
2. Blessed Entwinement
3. Open The Crypt
4. Dormancy Of The Ancients
5. Inhale…
6. The Black Smoke
7. Day Of Reckoning
8. Beneath The Archaic

Gargantuan grooves make out with dildos of doom (WTF??? Oh yes..)

2012 was to witness the resurgence of dark, occult, death-doom genre. At the forefront of this back- to- form, were and still are, small time record labels such as Dark Descent and Profound Lore.  With brilliant releases from Samothrace, Indesinence, Evoken, Monolithe, Hooded Menace(to name a few) last year, the genre is well on its way to global domination, albeit on a very much ‘Underground’ scale.

Today I’ve got myself another one of the said releases and it’s suffice to say that I’ve been floored once again. The album in question is’ Krypts – Unending Degradation’ on Dark Descent Records.

Now Krypts are a Finnish trio consisting on Antti Kotiranta on Vocals/Bass, Ville Snicker on Guitars and Otso Ukkonen on drums. They have just come up with first LP.What you have before you is essentially a death/doom record drenched in an infinitesimal amount of absolute hatred for humanity. Given the atrocities that mankind has conjured upon itself, it is only right that a person is likely to be overcome by a deep sense of disdain for his own kind. Here is an essential death/ doom record leaning more towards the ‘death’ier side of things. There is absolutely no enjoyable melody here, but in its place are huge monolithic riffs combined with crushing grooves which paint a dark and brooding auditory landscape. The mention of the term death/doom will usually have the listener imagining an album that moves at a crawling pace. But just when things get comfortable, things pace up to give that necessary shot of adrenaline.

Now this beast of a song is what got me interested in the band .

The album comprises of eight tracks, three of which appear on their debut demo in late 2009. Nonetheless they have been reworked and jacked up all of those tracks to fit in seamlessly. Of particular notice is the opening track ‘Blessed Entwinement’ which i wager will be one of the best death metal songs of the year already. Vocalist Antti belts out cavernous gutturals that will suck the breath right out of you. The riffs are what makes or breaks a death metal band, and this is where the band truly shines. The downtuned badass riffery will batter you slow and low, for they rely on weight rather than technical wizardry. Melody is absent in the true sense of its term, for a melody is supposed to stand out to the listener as a single entity. Instead, hiding behind the main rhythm, are vast undercurrents of discordant guitar wails that coalesce into its own single entity. Yet tracks such as ‘Dormancy of the Ancients’ (another personal favorite), has its share of dystopian lead work that will twist the insides of every uninitiated listener.

To backup all this is one of the thickest,murkiest and filthiest bass tones I’ve heard in a bloody long while. It is the ballast that keeps the weight of the record together and afloat. Overall, the tracks do lack in variation, as is staple in the genre, but makes up for it by maxing out the ‘pure evil’ factor. This is a must listen for every death/doom fan out there. Or if you are a person who loves reveling in the occasional misanthropy, then this my friend, shall be your bible.

Follow them via their blog.

Check their self titled EP below

This was posted on MetalSpree on 2013/02/19.

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Sanath Kumar

Owner, Digital Marketing Ninja at Metalbase India
Metalhead, digital geek by profession. Loves Rock N Roll and shoots concerts.

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