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Exist Immortal – Dream Sequence | Review

Mar 22 • International News, Releases, Reviews, The Slumbering Ent • 2131 Views • No Comments on Exist Immortal – Dream Sequence | Review

Today our reviewer Karan Katiyar reviews the new mini album from the band ‘Exist Immortal’, titled ‘Dream Sequence’.

Exist Immortal - Dream Sequence

Exist Immortal – Dream Sequence


1. A Timeless Voyage
2. Grabbity Gravity
3. Initiate
4. Exist (v.2)
5. The Fracture
6. Terminate
7. The Silence (ft. guitar solo by Fred Brum)

UK based metallers Exist Immortal released their mini-album “Dream Sequence” on 28th January of this year.  Formed in 2011, these guys have already made a strong foothold in their homeland by playing UK Tech Metal fest alongside the likes of Textures, Sylosis etc.

Dream Sequence is everything but monotonous. Each track is unique in emotion, context, and purpose. I liked this album mostly because it is one of the few that can be heard in totality without exhaustion!


There is a definite focus on flow and transitions. Abruptness is something you will not come across frequently in this mini-album. The songs are well structured and there is minimal dependence on fade-ins and effects for tough transitions. Though there is nothing revolutionary in the songwriting, there are moments of pure musical genius here and there (eg. 3.05 Grabbity Gravity). Catchy choruses galore, especially Initiate. Grooves are also a huge part of Exist Immortal’s sound. Special emphasis on The Fracture for some solid technical grooves.

Today we have our reviewer Karan Katiyar dissecting and examining the new album from the band Exist Immortal.


One of the few disappointments in Dream Sequence. Production could have been way better. There is a serious lack of low end punch in the entire album.


Very well written, structured, and intelligently placed guitar parts. Almost every riff has a story to tell. Melodies, chugs, staccatos, tasty bends, solos, twangs, you have em all. The tone is the only sour element in the guitars section.


A searing mixture of growls and cleans, the vocals are a dose of freshness with the focus on mid -ranges. Lots of love for not autotuning through the roof! The highlight of the vocals lie in the harmonized sections, which by the way are absolutely delightful. In some parts, though, clean vocals seem forcefully tossed.


Easily the showstopper element of this album. Very worldly fills that breathe life into the tracks. A Timeless Voyage is just sheer aural pleasure! It’s very easy to go overboard with electronics, but these guys have managed to hit that sweet spot between perfect and unnecessary.


Percussions on this mini album are unimaginative. Generic grooves that completely follow the guitars are prevalent throughout the album.


Besides the production and the percussions, this album is a musical adventure. An absolute avalanche of emotions and colours makes Dream Sequence a serious win! Exist Immortal has tremendous potential and with this release, they have set a bar for our expectations from their future endeavours.


Follow the band on Facebook here

And watch the video for their single below

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Sanath Kumar

Owner, Digital Marketing Ninja at Metalbase India
Metalhead, digital geek by profession. Loves Rock N Roll and shoots concerts.

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