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Why You Should Listen to Dhwesha’s Debut Album

Nov 13 • Articles, Indian News, News, Reviews • 3152 Views • No Comments on Why You Should Listen to Dhwesha’s Debut Album

Dhwesha, as a band, does not particular strike one as thematically innovative when you read about their lyrical content. Witchcraft, mythology, bloodshed,so what else is new in metal?

And then you listen to their debut album Sthoopa. And then you regret everything you thought about them and resolve never to pass unverified judgement again. This Bangalore-based band has created something unique in terms of not merely melodic or tonal ingenuity, but also perfected the art of storytelling through sound. band logo

The band prides itself on knowledge of the mystical occurings etched in various forms of liteature and cultural memories, both Indian and otherwise. With Sthoopa, Dhwesha crafts tales of their own. Songs like Kapala Haara Ugra Narasimha can easily be transplanted into video game soundtracks if Grant Morrison ever decided to create something along the lines of 18 Days, only way darker in topic and execution, and then turn it into a video game ( Okay, lots of ‘is’.) But the point is that Dhwesha uses sounds you have heard before ( if you are a classic heavy metal fan or if you listen to Archgoat ) in a completely inimitable way to give you a reason to headbang as well as ponder upon whatever it is they song about. 9 out of 10 times, you’ll want to google the lyrics and ask the band questions about why they wrote what they wrote.

In conclusion, here’s what to click of you want to listen to / buy Sthoopa, and we highly recommend that you do both.

For more on the band, just make your way over to their Facebook page

We also recommend Dhwesha if you are planning to offer prayers to Cthulhu of one of the Great Old Ones.

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Shreya Bose

Feline acolyte at Metalbase at Metalbase India
Likes cats, Steven Wilson, the pagan god Baal, guyliner, Marquis de Sade and prefers her coffee Irish.

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