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Control Alt Delete 6.0

Sep 13 • Events, Indian News, News • 2969 Views • No Comments on Control Alt Delete 6.0

The best part about the Control Alt Delete gig series is debatable. If it’s the crowd funded DIY celebratory spirit of the property or the chance to listen to hours of fresh new music or the “Pay what you want” philosophy – it’s the one gig of the year ‘the scene’ waits for to happen.

Control Alt Delete 6.0

Control Alt Delete 6.0

After the Metal Chapter of Control Alt Delete in June this year, organizers Rishu Singh (Ennui.BOMB), Himanshu Vaswani (Events at Bajaao) and Nikhil Udupa (Pepsi MTV Indies) are back with an extensive lineup with eight of the country’s youngest and most diverse artistes – from prog/ post rock Bengaluru outfits Space Behind the Yellow Room and Until We Last to hip-hop/ drum n bass act Bombay Bassment to Delhi noise rockers Hoirong for edition 6.0. The gig that takes place this Sunday (14th September) at the Blue FROG, Mumbai will also witness album launches of Kolkata pop rock act The Ganesh Talkies’ debut full-length album In Technicolor and Space Behind the Yellow Room’s Conversations That Determine A Life.

Mumbai folks will have the opportunity to discover new acts with the highly anticipated Mumbai debut of Hoirong and I Am Bliss’ sophomore gig in the city. All three organizers (Singh, Vaswani and Udupa) were coincidentally present when I Am Bliss played their Mumbai debut at one of the BOMB Thursday gigs. “We decided right then and there that they will be a part of Control Alt Delete 6.0,” adds Rishu Singh about the relatively newer post-rock act from Pune whose first single will be out on STUPIDITTIES 8 MY MIND, Ennui.BOMB’s annual compilation of “unmetal” Indian indie music that releases at the gig.

Stupiditties 8 my mind

Stupiditties 8 my mind

While each one of the gig’s curators has their own preferences and opinions on the artists that they would like to push and promote, putting down a lineup for the Control Alt Delete series entails a host of arguments and an individual dream list getting whittled down till all three are in consensus. Nothing goes ahead even if either one of them doesn’t buy it hundred per cent, the endeavour being to program bands that are making a mark by DIY efforts.
Artistes performing at the gig who along with the audience also eagerly wait for Control Alt Delete every year, have a lot to be excited about due to the sheer energy and vibe at the gig. Mumbai scene staples Spud in the Box return to the property for the second time after having played at erstwhile venue of the property Sitara Studios a couple of years ago. “Control Alt Delete has basically become stuff of legend since the last time we played which was a huge gig that left a lasting impact on the scene. Audiences have gotten even more excited about being an integral part of the gig,” says vocalist/ guitarist Ankit Dayal who goes on to inform us that the six piece alt rock outfit will be hitting the studios just days after the gig to record their debut album. “This will be our chance to share with everyone what our album is gonna sound like,” adds Dayal with the band’s last few months involving, with a lot of gigging, making demos, polishing up the songs, and getting mentally and logistically prepped for recording. Delhi based The Vinyl Records will be releasing the music video for the their debut EP title track “Whims” soon after the gig and are particularly excited about sharing the stage with The Ganesh Talkies and Bombay Bassment on Sunday.

Artiste merchandise sale at the gig is another draw. Apart from the STUPIDITTIES 8 My Mind free CDS and Control Alt Delete T-shirts and posters, all bands will be putting out CDs, posters, T-Shirts, stickers etc. (Hoiring Tees, The Vinyl Records – CDs, stickers, posters, Spud in the Box CDs, The Ganesh Talkies – Tees, CDs, stickers, badges, lighters, notebooks and more.) on sale at the Lower Parel venue and tickets for Rishu Singh’s New Wave Musicfest will be available at a special discounted price.

Hoirong T-shirt will be available at Control Alt Delete 6.0

Hoirong T-shirt will be available at Control Alt Delete 6.0

While the extensive lineup with a roster of eight bands may bring doubt into mind about the gig not being able to run like clockwork, Blue FROG opens its gates early at 5 PM to the audience to deter the same and has also cancelled their Sunday brunch for the day for sound checks. The venue has been immensely cooperative in supporting the crowd funded Control Alt Delete. Unlike the norm for most gigs, the venue doesn’t put up their logo on any posters for the property. “It’s only about the music and the community of music lovers and Blue FROG understands this completely. Also with the infrastructure Blue FROG has in terms of sound, lights, etc. it helps in keeping costs down. It’s people’s money at the end of the day,” says Rishu Singh.

While the crowd funding target for the gig of two lacs stands at being 27% funded as of today, contributions at the gate also go a long way in fulfilling the mark. “The gig happens regardless, though contributions will definitely help,” informs Singh. With giving back to the scene and pushing artistes that define the contemporary scene being key, Singh believes the property thrives on the content as he, Vaswani and Udupa push out fresh new music that they believe in.

So what should one expect at Control Alt Delete 6.0, one of the most awaited gigs of the year: “Expect awesome music. No frills, just some super awesome sounds that you really should hear,” Rishu Singh seems to have hit the nail on the head.


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Arunima Joshua

Writer at Metalbase India at Metalbase India
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